With its vast experience of over 15 years, Narvekar
Florists have provided top class flower decorations for all occasions,
be it Weddings, Thread Ceremony, Engagement, House Warming or
any other religious function.
We have a variety of designs to suit your needs,
choice & budget. For weddings, we provide decorations for
Mandaps ( where the marriage rites take place), entrance for Hall,
Backdrops where the Bride & groom will be seating.
The flowers which they use are
of different types like Roses, Carnations, Ester, etc which are
bought from different places like Belgaum, which remains fresh
for at least two to three days.

The decoration is also done by
keeping in mind the choice of the customer. If any function has
a particular code they do all the arrangements accordingly.
Narvekar florist have been doing different type
of decorations for Wedding, Toran ( for entrance), Wedding Mandaps,
Flower decorations for Car, Garlands for the bride & groom.
They also undertake orders for the function which normally hindus
have for the would be mothers.
Mr. Raju, who manages the whole show looks into the matter personally
from deciding of which flowers to use and what decoration to do
